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THE BOOKS - Wonderful gift ideas!

(To see the discount price directly from publisher, click the "Order" button below each book. These books are all available through, and in the physical stores; however, prices might be higher than through this website).


Conversations With Our Daughters is intended for teenagers, their parents, and siblings, as we all struggle to understand and express ourselves without feeling or causing pain. This book is designed to assist us in our efforts to communicate effectively. The statements, situations, and stories help us begin healthy conversations with our own loved ones, as they shed light on the multiple meanings behind some of the ideas we are already exchanging. 
 "Great Parenting Tool! I began reading this book during the summer before my only daughter left for college. This book is rich with parental coaching on the basics of great communication skills for all family relationships & beyond the family nucleus. It covers so many of the conversations had between parents & their teens. I wish I had read it ten years earlier. What I've learned are tools that demonstrate giving & receiving respect & deliberate choices of words to illicit partnership rather than power struggles. It continually highlights the importance of having mutual understanding in all the relationships. I would also like to acknowledge the author for all the great health tips weaved into the entire book. Thank you for the difference you make by writing your books." ~ Penny S.
Tales of The Soil: A Collection of Inspirational Allegories that challenge the concept of existence, inviting readers to become The Meadow and every creature that calls it home. Venture through time as a dandelion. Experience love, compassion, aging, and learning through the eyes of the butterfly. Explore growth, understanding, and change, as would a droplet of dew. 
" . . . a book to be read and discussed at least twice . . . Reminiscent of the Gullivers Travels . . . can be understood on more than one level.  From a fairy tale like beginning a story begins to emerge, tying together the lives of the Creatures of the Meadow & their insights as they mature. It should hold a youngsters interest on this level alone.  The philosophy is simple, but profound. The imagery startling & moving. The reader is drawn into the story without being aware of having entered. Absolutely delightful, in a thoughtful way, and quite appropriate for a college level English course. Highly recommended for parents who wish to read out loud & explore with the listener, & for teachers of high school English to hook their students on reading for meaning."     ~ Mountain Top
Marcy and Her Friends is a collection of short stories intended to assist parents and teachers in their efforts to help second through fifth graders deal with the vicissitudes of daily life. This series was specifically designed to help our children build self-esteem, since this is an important ingredient in developing personal strength and courage to say 'yes' to healthy choices in life, and 'no' to unhealthy ones.
". . . a wonderful and worthwhile book filled with exquisite life lessons in each story for both children and parents. The stories are creative, enjoyable and deal effectively with life situations that parents and children face. It allows an adult to really understand and appreciate a child's experience through a child's eyes. Your child will love these simply sweet stories while learning powerful lessons. If you're interested in being the best parent you can be, this book is a great tool."   ~ Penny Spiwack
"Deeply insightful. Kids can identify with problems presented in this book and gain strength from the situation analysis. Adults can re-visit childhood events and place them in perspective. It is a powerful book with positive messages, conveyed in easy to understand language. Strongly recommend this book!" - S.M.Cohen Esq.
A spiritual journey by psychologist Dr. L. Nehoc PhD debating the source and purpose of challenges faced throughout the lifetime. Inspirational stories, debates between and among modern day philosophers, references to historical texts, and a bit of humor intertwine to present an extraordinary adventure through the human experience.
 "I loved this book! It is filled with many real life examples that have empowered me to handle my own personal journey with more knowledge and skills. It has helped me to trust my inner strength and inner spirit. This book gives you tools to help you navigate your daily life . . . makes you embrace and examine your own inner spirit. Everyone needs to read this positive and life changing book; it will help and encourage your personal and spiritual growth."    ~ Linda Ruskowski


POETRY & Gifts 


"I first discovered Nancy about 10 years ago. I was visiting my friend Robin who shared with me a poem Nancy had written for her. I can't remember if the poem was for a birthday or a couple's anniversary but after I read it I was completely blown away!!! I had to meet this talented person!! I contacted Nancy and asked her if she would help me celebrate a friend's big birthday by writing a poem about her. She asked me to send her some notes about the person I wanted her to write about. To make a long story short, Nancy has written multiple poems over the last 10 years to people I love. I cannot say enough about Nancy's talents. She is a GIFT!! I'm so grateful for all the work we've done together in the past and for the work we'll continue to do in the future. I love and appreciate you Nancy!!"  - Penny Spiwack


Prices of poems & toasts based upon length:

  • Short:   $20.00

  • Medium:  $30.00

  • Long:  $40.00

Price includes:

  • an initial 15-min. phone consultation

  • one 10-min. phone chat to perfect your product

  • "Written in honor of . . ." (not counted as one of the lines)




(Below are samples from actual cards commissioned)

(Memory Table at a Wedding)
Here it is, your wedding day
May God bless both of you.
On this day the gift I give is
'patience' . . .
Aunt Sue.
On the day that you were born,
the world seemed upside down.
You brought life & magic to each person
in our town.
Through the years you've shared your spirit,
now, though I'm long gone,
I know you can feel me near - my presence is still strong.
When you look into his eyes, you glow, did you know that"?
''Wisdom' is my gift to both of you,
Uncle Matt.
Jennifer your love with John began some time ago.
Your hearts beat as one for several years,
and yes, I know
That you keep our picture by your nightstand as you pray.
Yes we see you and are so proud of you every day.
Grandma Becky still remembers your first spoken words.
They were: "Up, up" as you reached
Eyes smiling through your words.
We are always with you, Jenny, You're our pride and joy.
Our gift to you is 'laughter' ~ Gram & Papa Roy.
We're all here to bless this day & watch over your home.
While you have each other you will never be alone.
Savor every moment, take deep breaths, try not to rush.
You are gifts you give each other
wrapped in faith and trust.
As you walk the path of life, be kind and gentle, too.
We will always whisper healing truths to both of you.
© 2018 by Universe's Secretary
* * * *
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
It has been a journey . . . and throughout all these years,
Though oceans were between us, we've shared laughter, joy and tears.
We've missed too many milestones, but now we're back on track,
Thank goodness for computer SKYPE and voice mail to call back.

To our Dear Nephew,
You are now recognized as an adult in the eyes of our faith.
May your continuing journey be filled with adventure . . .
May patience and wisdom be your constant companions, 
And may God grant you many blessings and a long, fruitful life
So that your tremendous potential may be fulfilled.
Mazal Tov on your Bar Mitzvah

Written in honor of Brian ____ becoming a Bar Mitzvah on 25 Av, 5774 
With love from Aunt ___ and Uncle _____
© 2014 by Universe’s Secretary

* * * * *  

From tricycle to training wheels . . . and now keys to a car.
We've always known that your success in life would take you far.
Sweet Jennifer you're such a talent in so many ways.
From painting and voice lessons to the violin you play.
Now that High School is behind you, 
College: straight ahead . . . 
Your tapestry of life awaits . . . and you will choose each thread.
When you rise each morning you'll discover even more
Of what life has to offer you . . . the many gifts in store.
You will grow into the YOU that you’re destined to be.
Exciting new adventures are ahead . . . as soon you’ll see.

Written with love and congratulations to honor Jennifer _____ on her graduation from High School.
© 2014 by Universe’s Secretary

* * * * *

Love and Loss 
(short excerpt from a very long, heartfelt poem)
" . . . I was an angel sent to you to pave what was to be.
Maria is an angel, too . . . and more will come - you'll see.
In my case my short visit was a bitter-sweet two years.
You taught me love. I was your first. We shared too many tears.

By our standards, my life was too short - but God does know,
That all the love you showered me with strengthen my wings' glow.
I watch over my sister;  please have faith - God's love is near.
Rejoice in blessings; please live life - and never bow to fear.
There's a plan, but nothing we may ever comprehend.
Open hearts hear wisdom's whispers as love and joy blend . . ."

Written to welcome Maria _____ born on  _____ (time: ___)  __ lbs  __ oz., ___" long
to her proud parents ____ and ______ 
© 2014 by Universe’s Secretary

* * * * * 

Bless This Home
Blessed are those with open hearts who welcome each new day.
Blessed are those who have the skill to balance work and play.
Blessed are those with confidence to set their spirits free.
Blessed are those who can accept life's healing energy.

Sue and Robin have a special artsy touch, it's true.
The magic of their efforts with their animals comes through.
Each flower in their garden (before fruit upon their trees) 
Encourages organic honey from their own sweet bees.
The farmhouse smells of mint and basil in the summertime.
In winter months there's apple pie and soups and homemade wine.

Blessed are Sue and Robin who, with joy and love embrace
All who cross their threshold; hospitality and grace
Define these special people who have come so far and grown
Together in this life; bless them and bless their love-filled home.

A gift from ____ & ____ to celebrate ____ & ____ in their beautiful home.
© 2014 by Universe’s Secretary


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